Monday 14 August 2023

Blogging difficulties

It's been rather a long time since I produced a blog post, the reason being that not only have I been away for a considerable amount of time, but there have been problems with getting the blog to work. I simply haven't had the time to try to sort it all out, and in fact with many software problems that seem to imply deliberate degrading, it's becoming something of a menace. My blog provider now doesn't seem to be capable of setting up images, so I'm afraid this post has no image. I shall have to set up on a new blog provider in the next few days. This summer has been a frenetic series of trips around England and Wales, from Dartmoor to the Lake District, and Pembrokeshire to the Patchings Art Fest, all exciting stuff, but I wish it could have been more spread out! I've also been working intermittently on books and articles, so it's been non-stop. My next project is a small exhibition at Erwood Station starting on 23rd September for 3 weeks. The paintings are watercolours of the upper River Wye, one of the most beautiful riverine stretches in the country, and it is also aimed at highlighting the dreadful problems of pollution which those in authority seem to have little concern about. We are supported in this by the Campaign for Protection of Rural Wales. More information in my next blog. I hope to get things back to normal soon.

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